Sculptra is a dermal filler that works with your body within the deep dermis to help revitalize collagen production and help restore your skin’s inner structure and volume.
Beautiful skin is a journey. But as time goes on, it can be harder and harder to keep up. As you age, collagen production diminishes, and your skin doesn’t have the same resiliency and fullness it did in the past.
Sculptra works with your body to stimulate collagen production lost to aging, rebuilding and reinforcing your skin’s structural foundation. Through a series of treatments, typically about three sessions over a few months, it restores the support and volume of youthful looking skin, providing results that can last up to two years.
Rebuilt collagen strands begin gradually helping to restore facial volume and the look of fullness to wrinkles and folds. This is how Sculptra provides immediate results of a filler but also helps to restore the deep, underlying structure of the skin to diminish facial wrinkles.
At Christina Clinic, your Sculptra injections will be performed by a highly trained medical professional with years of experience to achieve the results you are looking for.
Before Restylane Defyne treatment. * photo credit:
3 mL of Restylane Defyne in the chin. * photo credit:
Before Restylane® Lyft treatment. Photo credit:
1.5 mL Restylane® Lyft in each cheek, and 1.5 mL Restylane® Lyft in each nasolabial fold. Photo credit:
Before Restylane Defyne treatment. * photo credit:
3 mL of Restylane Defyne in the chin. * photo credit:
Before Radiesse treatment. Photo credit:
3.5 cc of Radiesse to lower face to treat the jawline. Photo credit:
Before Revanasse treatment. Photo credit:
Revanasse treated lips and nasolabial folds. Photo credit:
Before Botox for Crow’s Feet, Frown Lines, and Forehead lines. Photo credit:
Treated with Botox for Crow’s Feet, Frown Lines, and Forehead lines. Photo credit:
Before Dysport. Photo credit:
After 50 units of Dysport, Day 14. Photo credit:
There is slight discomfort when injecting anything into the body, whether it is an immunization or cosmetic filler or neurotoxin. We may use numbing creams or apply cold compresses to relieve any discomfort.
There is no downtime after fillers or neurotoxin injections.
Neuromuscular disruptors such as Botox and Dysport take 3-7 days for the body to fully absorb the injection to see results.
Neuromuscular disruptors such as Botox and Dysport last roughly 4-6 months. Each body absorbs and processes injectables differently.
Your experienced injector will recommend the best treatment for your concerns. Generally, Dysport may be the better choice if you need quicker results, are treating larger areas, desire a more natural appearance, have developed resistance to Botox, or prefer a treatment that allows for some muscle movement.
Your experienced injector will recommend the best treatment for your concerns. Generally, Botox may be the better choice if you have small, specific areas you want to target, such as crow’s feet or fine lines on the forehead, Botox’s higher molecular weight can help keep the treatment more localized, preventing it from affecting nearby muscles. If you have used Botox before and were satisfied with the results, it might be best to stick with what you know works for your body.
Filler results are immediate. There will be some redness and swelling. It is advisable to refrain from wearing makeup, excessive exercise, sun exposure, and unnecessary lotions and creams for 24 hours.
Different fillers will interact with different peoples bodies. You can expect your fillers to generally last 6-9 months.
Your aesthetician or injector will know which type of filler is best for your specific skin and aesthetic concerns. The differences may include where you wish to have fillers, for instance you may need a thicker filler for a specific area. Your experienced, trusted Christina Clinc injector will know which will work best for you.